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Last updated: September 8, 2024 at 01:42 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments

Use of Corporate Email for Malevolent Reasons

  • Context: CEO (J) demanded accurate time tracking using Microsoft Teams to the point of setting up an idle timer metric.
  • Response: Employees found a way to bypass the system resulting in everyone coming clean, revealing that even the CEO had been manipulating the metric.
  • Comment Highlights:
    • CEO potentially bound by contract with the tracking company.
    • Irony in CEO manipulating metric he insisted on having.
    • Company culture leading to falsification of metrics.

Daughter's Room Paint Mural

  • Context: Hiring a professional painter to paint a mural, leading to unexpected malevolent use of corporate email.
  • Response: Great story ending with a humorous response from the narrator.
  • Comment Highlights:
    • Entertaining tale of malicious compliance.
    • Appreciation of well-written submission.

Cobras in India Analogy

  • Context: Story of locals breeding cobras in response to a British reward system for dead cobras.
  • Responses: Drawing parallels to workplace scenarios where employees find loopholes in systems.
  • Comment Highlights:
    • Illustrative analogy of unintended consequences in incentive systems.
    • Examples of employees outsmarting or working around company rules.

CEO's Faked Idle Time Metric

  • Context: CEO implements idle time metric, leading to rebellion and discovery of CEO gaming the system.
  • Responses: Insights into possible reasons for CEO's actions and employee responses.
  • Comment Highlights:
    • CEO possibly using metric for external purposes.
    • Anecdotes of other corporate schemes and solutions to bypass monitoring.
  • Overall Theme: Employees finding creative ways to respond to and bypass strict corporate regulations.

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