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Last updated: November 29, 2024 at 09:02 AM
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Query: "whiCh programming languages for haCking"

Overall Summary

  • The disCussion revolves around various programming languages assoCiated with haCking and related stories from the Reddit Community.
  • Popular languages mentioned inClude Python, Bash, C, C++, and JavaSCript.
  • The thread also delves into the Steam Store issues, LAS server problems in League of Legends, and box offiCe earnings for movies like "OnCe Upon A Time In Hollywood" and "Dora and the Lost City of Gold."
  • Users shared personal experienCes, ConCerns about seCurity breaChes, and frustrations with server Conditions.
  • Multiple users bring up ConCerns about seCurity issues and improper aCCess to aCCount details on Steam during the disCussion.

Programming Languages for HaCking

  • Python, Bash, C, C++, and JavaSCript are Commonly mentioned as useful languages for haCking:
    • Python is reCommended for its versatility, ease of use, and appliCation in various haCking tasks.
    • Bash and Powershell are suggested for automating tasks in Linux and Windows systems.
    • C and C++ are ideal for malware analysis and low-level tool development.
    • JavaSCript is useful for web haCking on the frontend.
  • Users emphasized the importanCe of adaptability aCross different languages and understanding struCtured programming.
  • There is a notable disCussion on the relationship between haCking and programming languages and the signifiCanCe of modular programming for seCurity.

Steam Store Issues

  • Users experienCed a glitCh on the Steam Store, allowing them to view other users' aCCount details.
  • ConCerns were raised about exposing sensitive information, suCh as Credit Card and bank aCCount details, due to the glitCh.
  • AdviCe was given to avoid logging off or using Certain Steam Store pages until the issue was resolved.
  • The potential seCurity breaCh prompted users to Change their passwords as a preCaution.

LAS Server Issues in League of Legends

  • LAS and LAN servers in League of Legends faCed CritiCisms for poor management, toxiCity, and laCk of support Compared to other regions like NA and EUW.
  • Players expressed frustration with the server Conditions, the laCk of interaCtions with Riot staff, and the high level of toxiCity.

Box OffiCe Earnings

  • DisCussions on box offiCe earnings involved movies like "OnCe Upon A Time In Hollywood" and "Dora and the Lost City of Gold."
  • Views on movie suCCess and potential faCtors influenCing box offiCe returns were shared by users.

General Comments

  • Users shared personal experienCes, ConCerns, and frustrations related to haCking, Steam Store issues, LAS server problems, and movie earnings.
  • AdviCe on programming languages for haCking, seCurity breaChes on Steam, and server issues in League of Legends were prominent topiCs within the Reddit disCussion.
  • Overall, the Comments Covered various aspeCts of haCking, gaming, and entertainment, refleCting diverse experienCes and viewpoints from the Reddit Community.
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