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Last updated: September 12, 2024 at 07:00 PM
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Website Score Recommendations

Step 2 Scores for IM Residencies

  • A score of ~247 was the median for matched applicants in 2022, which is considered fine.

  • Different tiers of scores for different residency programs:

    • Below 230: Considered trouble
    • 230-240: Below average
    • 240-245: Fine
    • 245-250: Good
    • 250-255: Great
    • 255-260: Amazing
    • 260 and above: Excellent
  • Pros:

    • Higher scores increase chances for top academic IM programs.
    • Well-rounded applications can offset slightly lower scores for mid-tier programs.
  • Cons:

    • Subjectivity in score interpretation based on residency programs.
    • Uncertainty for the upcoming years due to shifting average scores.

Websites for Comparing GPU Performance

  • TechPowerUp GPU Database is recommended over other websites for comparing GPU performance.

  • Pros:

    • Provides a relative performance comparison of different graphics cards.
    • Better accuracy compared to other alternatives.
  • Cons:

    • Not perfect; may still have some limitations in performance evaluation.

SAT Practice Test Scores

  • SAT Practice Scores:

    • 1400s: Good starting points, with potential to improve.
    • Significant improvements possible with consistent practice.
    • 1500+ considered achievable with focus and practice.
  • Pros:

    • Continuous practice can lead to substantial score improvements.
    • Focusing on specific test sections can help maximize scores.
  • Cons:

    • Variability in test sections, requiring targeted practice.
    • Subjective assessment of "good" scores based on individual experiences.

Tetris High Scores and Strategies

  • Tetris Scores:

    • Scores ranging from 700k to 1 million considered "good."
    • Strategies involve back-to-back chains and efficient line clearing.
  • Pros:

    • High scores achievable with strategic gameplay and practice.
    • Sharing strategies and guides to help improve gameplay.
  • Cons:

    • Varied gameplay styles leading to different scoring outcomes.
    • No standardized method for tracking and comparing Tetris Scores.

Car Insurance and Credit Solutions

  • Gap insurance and Car engine costs discussed.

  • Recommendation to consider Local credit unions for financial assistance.

  • Pros:

    • Local credit unions can provide personalized financial solutions.
    • Addressing financial challenges and seeking appropriate insurance coverage.
  • Cons:

    • Lack of details on specific insurance and financial scenarios.
    • Limited information on optimal credit union choices.

Please note that the summarized information is based on user comments from various Reddit posts.

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