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Last updated: January 23, 2025 at 02:25 PM
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Electoral College Amendment Discussion


  • Popular Vote: Many users support moving towards a Popular Vote system to decide presidential elections.
    • "If we're going to go through doing a whole amendment, why not just get rid of the Electoral College and have them report their vote totals for a presidential election being decided by a Popular Vote?"
  • Enshrining the Right to Vote: Some users believe that a constitutional amendment to solidify the right to vote is necessary.
    • "the citizens need to provide proof when necessary (ie a voter ID) ... we can eliminate the electoral college and have a national vote ONLY IF we use some form of ranked voting to kill the duopoly party stranglehold."
  • Uniformity in Voting Rules: Suggestions include having all states adhere to the same voting rules controlled by the federal government.
    • "All 50 states should have exactly the same rules, exactly the same responsibilities as they all get exactly the same benefits."
  • Ranked Choice Voting: Proposed implementation of Ranked Choice Voting for all national elections.


  • Opposition to Electoral College: Many users are against keeping the Electoral College system.
    • "Just get rid of the electoral college."
  • Democratic Concerns: Concerns were raised about potential biases and unfair advantages under the current system.
    • "Everyone but politicians hates the current system, so why would we want to solidify said system in the Constitution?"
  • Potential Party Bias: Some users expressed skepticism about party motivations in pushing for certain changes.
    • "What I love about a proposal like this is the only reason the Democrats want it is because they think it would benefit them."

Other Suggestions

  • Increasing the number of House Representatives to ensure a smaller ratio for constituents per representative.
  • Implementing voter ID as a national standard with free issuance in communities.
  • Starting elections on Fridays and ending on Sunday nights with a two-day school holiday.

Constitutional Amendment Opinions

  • Solidifying the Right to Vote: Some users voiced support for explicitly stating the right to vote in the Constitution.
    • "For some reason people really hate being reminded there isn't an express protection for the right to vote recognized by the Supreme Court. I would like it if we actually got that protection spelled out."
  • Electoral College Removal: Several comments call for the removal of the Electoral College in the amendment process.
    • "If there is to be any amendment in relation to the electoral college, the only thing to focus on is its removal from the process."

This summary provides a comprehensive overview of the Reddit comments related to discussions on amending the Electoral College system and solidifying the right to vote in the Constitution.

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