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Discover reviews on "vw golf reliability" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: December 14, 2024 at 08:27 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on VW Golf Reliability


  • European vs American Perspectives:
    • Europe: European commenters generally show more trust in the reliability of VW and emphasize the importance of regular maintenance to upkeep the car.
    • America: American commenters tend to have a varied view, with some highlighting maintenance costs and potential issues in German cars compared to Japanese ones.

Pros and Cons of VW Golf Reliability


  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance can enhance the longevity and reliability of VW Golf cars.
  • Design Philosophy: Japanese cars focus on simplicity and reliability, while German cars like VW are built for higher speeds and require more meticulous maintenance.
  • Durability: Japanese vehicles like Honda and Toyota are seen as reliable and durable over time.
  • Driving Conditions: German cars are built for higher speeds, while Japanese cars are more geared towards driving within speed limits and simpler maintenance.


  • Maintenance Costs: VWs can become costly to maintain over time, especially as they age.
  • Quality: German car quality is believed to have declined in reliability with some issues like timing chain stretch.
  • Design Choices: Certain design choices in German cars, like complex suspension systems, may lead to higher maintenance requirements.
  • Complexity: German cars like VW have complicated designs that may require more specialized maintenance compared to Japanese or American cars.
  • Perceptions: American viewpoints on German cars' reliability can vary, with concerns about maintenance and potential issues compared to Japanese cars.

Specific Model Comments

  • Early models like the 1.9 TDI Diesel are seen as reliable both in Europe and America.
  • MK7.5 Golf is recommended for its reliability, with some suggesting buying used models with low mileage.
  • MIB2 Unit: Solutions are provided for upgrading the head unit to include features like Android Auto and CarPlay.
  • Trim Levels: Different trim levels can impact available features like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

Guidance for Buyers & Maintenance Tips

  • Buyer Advice: Suggestions range from buying newer models with low mileage to ensuring proper maintenance and upkeep.
  • Maintenance Tips: Regular maintenance is essential for any vehicle, with Japanese cars viewed as simpler and more reliable in terms of design choices.

This summary highlights the diverse perspectives on VW Golf reliability, emphasizing the importance of maintenance, design choices in various car markets, and the overall durability of German cars compared to Japanese counterparts.

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