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Last updated: November 3, 2024 at 05:41 AM
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Trees in r/trees

  • Reddit users in r/trees post various content related to trees, including discussions, photos, and memes related to marijuana.
  • Posts in r/trees include topics like marijuana consumption methods, marijuana culture, smoking spots, and weed-related memes.
  • Some common posts in r/trees include photos of kief, advice on drug tests, questions about sketchy substances, and immaculate joint rolling.
  • Users also share experiences with edibles and smoke spots, along with posts about growing marijuana and dry herb vape recommendations.
  • One user pointed out the lack of quality content and expressed a desire for more meaningful discussions about relationships with consumption and productivity.
  • Another mentioned the prevalence of shallow content in the subreddit and called for higher-quality posts.

Reddit Trees Subreddits

  • r/marijuanaenthusiasts is a subreddit for sharing pictures of actual trees, created in response to stoners taking over r/trees.
  • r/leaves is for individuals seeking support to quit smoking marijuana.
  • r/kratom was mentioned as having strict rules against discussing the addictive nature of the substance.

Tree Types

  • Rising Sun Redbud is a cultivar of Eastern Redbud known for its vibrant yellow leaves.
  • Users comment on the beauty of the Rising Sun Redbud and its distinct appearance reminiscent of AI-generated images or abstract art.
  • Some users shared experiences of owning Redbud trees, noting their uniqueness and occasional challenges with hardiness and diseases.
  • A user shared their experience with a different Redbud variety that split and had growth issues over time.

Miscellaneous Tree Posts

  • A video shows a forest covered in spider webs, resembling a nightmare scenario.
  • Users jokingly ponder why a tree was arrested for public intoxication, creating humorous scenarios of tree interactions with authorities.
  • Some users referenced the Tree That Owns Itself and mentioned the fictional arrest of a tree as unjust.
  • Humorous comments and puns revolved around the concept of trees being arrested, including references to British colonialism.
  • The discussion turned to the absurdity of trees being involved in legal matters and the need to '#FREETHETREE'.

This summary captures the diverse content and discussions surrounding trees on Reddit, from marijuana-related topics to actual tree photos and humorous scenarios involving trees.

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