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Last updated: August 22, 2024 at 03:56 AM
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Today's Top News

  • Steam Deck

    • Some users are confident that the Steam Deck can handle games like Path of Exile just fine, even on the go.
    • One user states, "It will handle the game just as fine as any other modern hardware out there."
    • Another user mentions the CPU being similar to a Ryzen 3600 and highlights the importance of fast memory and NVMe for games like PoE.
    • Concerns are raised about potential controller support for PoE on the Steam Deck.
    • Users discuss the hardware requirements for running PoE smoothly and criticize those with outdated setups causing issues.
    • Some mention the potential for improved optimization if PoE were available on Stadia.
  • Path of Exile (PoE)

    • There are discussions on controller support for PoE, with some wondering about the gameplay experience on consoles.
    • A user mentions that Awakened-poe-trade and Path of Building work on Linux natively.
    • Users express excitement about playing PoE on the go with the Steam Deck.
    • There are comments on the complexity and build freedom in PoE, with some players creating extreme builds that may strain hardware.
    • Users discuss performance benchmarks in PoE using high-end gear and different resolutions.

Other Comments

  • Phish and Public Radio

    • Users discuss Phish, public radio, and other music-related topics within a specific demographic.
    • References to different music performances and setups are made, along with questions about equipment and locations.
  • Traffic Accident

    • Discussions revolve around a video showing a traffic accident caused by a reckless U-turn.
    • Users comment on defensive driving and the importance of staying cautious on the road.
    • The incident is analyzed from various perspectives, with some expressing shock and concern about the consequences.
  • Dbrand Controversy

    • Users engage in a conversation about a controversy involving Dbrand and a customer complaint related to racial insensitivity.
    • There are diverse opinions on the incident, with some defending Dbrand's approach to marketing and others critiquing the handling of the situation.
    • The context of the situation and the company's response are highlighted to provide a comprehensive view of the controversy.


  • Ceremorphosis
    • Comments reference a fictional transformation process called Ceremorphosis with elements of Mindflayers and related content.
    • Users engage in light-hearted banter about various aspects of the fictional concept and its implications.
    • References to video games, medical scenarios, and pop culture are made in relation to Ceremorphosis.
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