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Discover reviews on "the type of the file system is raw chkdsk is not available for raw drives" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 30, 2024 at 06:23 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "the type of the file system is raw chkdsk is not available for raw drives"

Disk Recovery and Recommendation:

  • If the file system is raw, chkdsk is not recommended for fixing the drive.
  • It's suggested to try DMDE or a different reader to access the drive and recover files.
  • The user further recommends: "Your SD Card might be dying, or the SD Card reader might have a fault."
  • It's advised to image the drive before attempting any recovery, as it might cause the card to stop working completely.
  • Users recommend against using Windows tools for cloning failing drives and suggest hddsuperclone instead.

SMART Data and Health Check:

  • Users suggest checking the SMART values of the HDD using CrystalDiskInfo or CrystalDiskMark to assess the health of the disk.
  • Keeping an SSD close to full is advised against as it can lead to more writes and potential issues.

Other Recommendations:

  • Changing system BIOS settings or disk setups can result in data loss and should be done cautiously.
  • Veracrypt GUI version is recommended for certain operations.
  • It is recommended not to attempt chkdsk on a drive with important data.

Additional Notes:

  • Users suggest trying to recover data using tools like Recovery Explorer after cloning the drive with hddsuperclone.
  • It is emphasized that dump files are essential for accurate analysis of BSODs.
  • Discord and file-sharing sites like catbox.moe or mediafire.com are recommended for quicker responses and easier sharing of dump files.
  • Making changes to the system without proper backup can lead to data loss and caution is advised.

Cautionary Notes:

  • It's highlighted that using certain tools or methods can lead to data loss or drive failures.
  • Cloning and imaging the drive are suggested as necessary steps before attempting recovery to prevent further damage.
  • Overall, caution and thorough backup procedures are recommended throughout the data recovery and disk repair process.
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