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Last updated: September 6, 2024 at 11:02 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on Various Topics

Topic 1: Speeding Bus Simulation Video

  • Some users found the Speeding Bus Simulation Video amusing.
  • Concerns were raised about the safety implications of buses traveling at extreme speeds.
  • There was speculation about the physics engine used in the simulation.
  • Reference was made to different speeds in the video, with 150mph being questioned as the safest speed.
  • Users joked about reporting speeding bus drivers to show them the simulation video.
  • Recommendations were made to use real buses for tests for accuracy.

Topic 2: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Tests

  • The consensus among users was that self-typing based on understanding cognitive functions is more accurate than online tests.
  • Specific tests such as Michael Caloz and Sakinorva were recommended for better accuracy.
  • Users emphasized the importance of understanding cognitive functions to determine one's MBTI type.
  • Recommendations were made to take multiple tests and cross-reference results for accuracy.
  • A variety of opinions were shared on the reliability of MBTI tests versus self-typing.

Topic 3: Positive Pregnancy Tests

  • Users shared their experiences of when they conducted Positive Pregnancy Tests.
  • Test results varied from 2 days before a missed period to 13 DPO.
  • Some users mentioned they discovered their pregnancy unexpectedly.
  • Timing of tests ranged from day of missed period to weeks later.
  • Emotions and unexpected outcomes were highlighted in various test experiences.

Topic 4: Cognitive Tests for Individuals

  • Discussion revolved around the idea of conducting cognitive tests for public figures like Trump.
  • Users recalled instances where Trump made questionable statements indicating cognitive issues.
  • Criticism and concerns were expressed regarding Trump's mental competency.
  • Various humorous situations and references were made related to cognitive tests.
  • Doubts were raised about the validity of the test Trump claimed to have taken.

Topic 5: Anthony Bourdain and Food Choices

  • Comments reflected respect and admiration for Anthony Bourdain.
  • Criticisms were made on Trump's food choices and behavior.
  • Users commented on the significance of one's food preferences.
  • Negative opinions and comparisons were drawn between Bourdain and Trump.
  • Humorous remarks and references to Bourdain's impact were observed.

Topic 6: Personal Emotional Stories

  • Personal stories were shared reflecting on experiences related to mental health and emotional distress.
  • Users discussed moments of crisis and support they received from others.
  • Emotions and reflections on past challenges were expressed.
  • Gratitude towards people who made a difference in their lives was conveyed.
  • Insights into personal struggles and reflections on emotions were shared.
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