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Discover reviews on "tee public sales" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: November 25, 2024 at 10:44 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "TeePublic Sales" Query


  • Users expressed dissatisfaction with Ultrasabers' quality, customer service, and order fulfillment times.
  • Recommendations included adding a disclaimer on Ultrasabers in the buyer's guide, potentially organizing a boycott, and discussing the company's issues.
  • Some users shared their negative experiences with Ultrasabers, highlighting slow fulfillment, lack of communication, and poor quality.


  • TeePublic features a tier system where creators can earn more by maintaining Artisan status with original work.
  • Users mentioned fluctuations in sales on TeePublic, especially after the introduction of the tier system.
  • Some creators reported freezing of payments on TeePublic due to legal issues with Brickell IP Group.
  • Positive aspects included an easy-to-use upload interface and occasional consistent sales for original designs.

Overall Pros and Cons:

  • Ultrasabers: Negative reviews for poor quality, customer service, and unethical practices.
  • TeePublic: Positive remarks for ease of use, occasional consistent sales, and opportunities to earn with original work.


  • Consider original artwork to boost sales on TeePublic.
  • Stay informed about the practices of companies like Ultrasabers before making purchases or affiliations.
  • Advise caution with Ultrasabers and potential boycotts to stand against unethical practices.

By assessing the Reddit comments, it is evident that Ultrasabers is criticized for various issues, while TeePublic offers opportunities for creators with original work but also faces challenges such as frozen payments due to legal issues. It is crucial to research and consider feedback before engaging with companies like Ultrasabers and TeePublic.

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