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Last updated: November 11, 2024 at 07:31 PM
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Pope John Paul II's Involvement in Child Abuse Cover-Up

  • A report from a private broadcaster, TVN, reveals that the late Pope John Paul II knew about child abuse in Poland's Catholic Church before becoming pope and helped cover it up.
  • The pope wrote a letter of recommendation for a priest accused of abuse to a cardinal without mentioning the accusations.
  • The Vatican has sanctioned several church officials for covering up pedophilia by clergy members.

Responses and Reactions

  • One user states, "I hope his 'greatness' will fall apart now."
  • Another user comments on the systematic issue of abuse by priests in the Catholic Church.
  • Some users share personal stories of abuse within the church and express their disgust at the cover-up.
  • An excerpt from "The Pope Song" by Tim Minchin is linked as a relevant response to the situation, highlighting criticism of the church's handling of abuse cases.

Additional Comments

  • Some users express not being surprised by the revelations and comment on the common knowledge of such cover-ups in Poland.
  • Others share personal experiences of religious beliefs clashing with the reality of abuse scandals in the church.
  • The sentiment of disappointment and anger towards the Catholic Church and Pope John Paul II's involvement in the cover-up is prevalent among the comments.

Overall, the Reddit comments reflect a mix of disappointment, anger, and acknowledgment of the ongoing issue of child abuse within the Catholic Church and its handling by church leaders.

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