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Last updated: September 5, 2024 at 06:20 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "Sons of Behemat Competitive List"

Playing Against Sons of Behemat:

  • Ignore them and play for scoring objectives or attempt to kill 1 gargant per turn.
  • Scion of storm's teleportation can be used effectively for screening and scoring.
  • Vindictors are effective at dealing mortals against behemoths.
  • Fulminators can be tough to handle but can deal significant damage.
  • Tempestors can contribute to dealing damage over time.
  • Reinforced Vanguard Raptors are effective at dealing damage to Sons of Behemat.

Playing as Sons of Behemat:

  • Sons of Behemat are a straightforward, board control army with some movement techniques.
  • They can be challenging at lower point levels but become more manageable as points increase.
  • King Brodd's Stomp could be used for strategic advantage but may not be allowed in future editions.

General Overview of Sons of Behemat:

  • They have low model count but are not overly mechanically complex to play.
  • The army is primarily about pushing forward and controlling objectives.
  • Pseudo-flying and objective control are their strengths.
  • Game outcomes can be somewhat predictable based on the army's mechanics.
  • They are not particularly fun to play against in small games but can be balanced at higher point levels.
  • Consider exploring other options like Ogor Mawtribes for a similar vibe with more versatility.

Advice for Dealing with Sons of Behemat:

Overall Thoughts on Playing/Playing Against Sons of Behemat:

  • Opinions vary on the army; some find them fun, while others find them challenging or less enjoyable.
  • They can be a fun and straightforward army for those who enjoy their playstyle.
  • Some view them as a "damage check" army, while others appreciate their unique gameplay.

Miscellaneous Comments:

  • Having a variety of units is praised for keeping games interesting.
  • Engagement with opponents and ensuring mutual enjoyment of the game is highlighted.
  • Consider the time point values at which to play Sons of Behemat for a more balanced experience.
  • Depth and complexity of gameplay are discussed, with some finding Sons of Behemat simpler than other armies.

Overall, playing with or against Sons of Behemat can offer a mix of straightforward gameplay, strategic challenges, and varying enjoyment levels depending on personal preferences and playstyles.

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