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Discover reviews on "social monitoring" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 10, 2024 at 04:07 PM
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Social Monitoring Tools

Twitter firehose API

  • Provides access to a vast amount of real-time data from Twitter.


  • Allows users to visualize real-time aggregated Twitter data on a world map.


  • Helps find relevant tweets in a specific location.


  • Visualizes tweets and aggregated Twitter data on a world map in real-time.


  • Offers real-time search of tags across all social media platforms.


  • A company that offers social monitoring services.


  • A social monitoring tool but expensive.


  • Provides social monitoring services for US government agencies like the FBI.

Liferaft Navigator, GBG OSINT, Linkfluence Radarly

  • Paid systems for searching on multiple social media platforms at once, with limitations in results due to location data availability.


  • A new company offering social monitoring with filters for location and radius.

The Intercept

  • Reports on FBI surveillance of social media using tools like Dataminr and Venntel.

Various Reddit Comments


  • Provides insights from social media for public safety and security.
  • Aids in monitoring hate speech and potential threats.
  • Offers real-time information for situational awareness.
  • Helps in tracking public sentiment and responses.
  • Can be useful for investigations and law enforcement activities.


  • Raises concerns about privacy and surveillance issues.
  • May divert resources from other essential needs like education and infrastructure.
  • Raises ethical questions about monitoring students and individuals.
  • Algorithms may have limitations in accurately detecting hate speech.
  • Risk of infringing on freedom of speech and expression.

Overall, the sentiment surrounding social monitoring tools is mixed, with considerations for benefits in security and safety balanced against concerns about privacy and censorship.

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