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Discover reviews on "shotdeck alternative" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 04:03 PM
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Shotdeck Alternative Summary


  • Paid service, cheaper than Flim
  • Provides premade gifs without requiring a higher-tier payment
  • Offers various search options for commercials, music videos, and movies


  • Database of 200k+ commercials and stills for moodboards
  • Multiple moodboards per project, search and upload content
  • Videos, images, audio files, and Google docs embedding supported


  • Freemium service with 550k+ HD screenshots from various media
  • Limited free use daily


  • Smaller alternative to ShotDeck, but free


  • Free service, organized by year, director, cinematographer, and title
  • Less detailed tagging compared to Shotdeck


  • Offers high-quality stills from specific movies


  • Expensive service used by ad agencies worldwide for searching commercials by keyword, country, product, style


  • Mentioned as an alternative

Frame Set

  • Allows searching with full sentences or specific colors
  • Collection includes commercial and music video references


  • Various other alternatives suggested, such as Beta.Film.ai, myreference.space, Behance, and designspiration

User Feedback

  • Positive feedback on the tools and resources shared
  • Appreciation for the comprehensive list and valuable information provided
  • Testimonials on the usefulness and impact of the shared resources
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