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Discover reviews on "sellers json" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 15, 2024 at 01:14 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "sellers json" Query

Unadopted "buyers.json"

  • The 'buyers.json' is mentioned as not being widely adopted in the industry.

Connecting with Sellers

  • Partnerships and deals are suggested as ways to engage with sellers.
  • Tools like IAB Tech Lab Tools portal, well-known.dev, and sellers.guide are recommended for assistance in connecting with sellers.

Targeting by Seller ID

  • Platforms like StackAdapt may offer private Inventory Package targeting by seller IDs.
  • Beeswax is mentioned as potentially able to target by seller ID similar to publisher ID.

Concerns About Duplicate Entries

  • The confusion arises regarding the sellers.json file listing entities that may include managed services, SSPs, and seemingly irrelevant entries like facebook.com.
  • Questions are raised about how to handle clear duplicate entries like unity.com and unity3d.com.

Challenges and Alternatives

  • DSPs might not have a strong incentive to adopt sellers.json due to the large number of buyers they handle.
  • Transparent DSPs and SSPs are seen as already supporting similar functionalities as sellers.json in a more formal manner.

Use of Ads.txt and Buyer Reports

  • Transparent DSPs and SSPs are noted to provide support in a structured manner similar to sellers.json or Ads.txt.
  • The 'buyers report' in gam accounts is mentioned as a useful tool in this context.

This summary encapsulates various Reddit comments related to the "sellers json" query, highlighting challenges, alternatives, tools, and industry practices around connecting with sellers and targeting seller IDs in the digital advertising landscape.

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