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Last updated: December 8, 2024 at 04:56 PM
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San T3 Stimulant Free Reviews Summary


  • Detailed Environment: The game features an immersive and detailed environment.
  • Adaptive Triggers and Haptics Usage: Utilizes PlayStation 5's adaptive triggers and haptics effectively.
  • Side Quests: Offers around 100 side quests, varying from generic fetch quests to interesting and fun tasks.
  • Success in Capturing Harry Potter Experience: Fans are pleased with the game capturing the essence of the Harry Potter universe.


  • Graphical Inconsistency: Drastic change in art style, with character models in particular looking subpar.
  • Lighting Issues: Problems with lighting, such as excessively bright or dark scenes.
  • Technical Problems: Reports of technical issues like stuttering and poor performance on PC, leading to frustration for players.
  • Incomplete Work: Evidence of unfinished production, such as Lorem Ipsum text found on the developer's website.
  • Misleading Advertising: Some signs feature typos or errors, indicating rushed or careless production.

Mixed Opinions:

  • Better RPG Than Expected: Surprisingly engaging gameplay elements and an interesting story.
  • Success Amidst Controversy: Game's positive reception contrasts with pre-release skepticism due to controversy surrounding the development team.
  • Growing Popularity Predicted: Forecasts increased interest in the Harry Potter universe following the game's release.

Overall Impressions:

  • Varying Reactions: While some players are pleased with the game's Harry Potter experience and side quests, others are disappointed in its technical aspects and graphical inconsistencies.
  • Room for Improvement: While the game has garnered positive feedback, it faces criticism for technical issues, unfinished elements, and graphical shortcomings.
  • Community Response: Discussions include comparisons to previous releases, performance concerns on different platforms, and reflections on the game's impact on the Harry Potter franchise.

Please note that the information provided is a summary of Reddit comments and not reflective of personal experiences or official reviews. Individual gaming experiences may vary.

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