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Last updated: September 18, 2024 at 09:05 AM
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Timeline of Earth's Major Events Since the Present


  • Bolivia
    • Winter Temperature Records: Smashed old winter records with temperatures exceeding 39°C.


  • Earth's Population: Reaches 12 billion individuals.


  • United Nations of Earth (UNE): Established as a successor to the UN.
  • Military Operations
    • Rwanda: Glassed from orbit as a result of conflict.
  • Climate and Disaster Management
    • Rising temps: Some parts reach 120°F.
    • Weather Modification: Used by nations to control climate variations and distribute rain.
    • Plague: Major quarantine due to a mutated pathogen circumventing Earth.


  • Economic and Political Events
    • China Expansion: Continues growing politically.
  • Nations Cooperation
    • Greeting Earthlings Day: Celebrated by Roswell and Earth representatives.
  • Technological Advancements
    • Fusion Power Development: Gains momentum.


  • Diplomatic Relations
    • Bern Agreement: Ratified by world powers.




This timeline provides a glimpse into a future where major events shape Earth's destiny, making humanity confront its past and strive for a united, stable future.

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