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Last updated: September 18, 2024 at 05:10 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "renewable news singapore"

New Zealand's COVID-19 Situation

  • Border Changes:
    • Some express astonishment at the cautious border changes despite high vaccination rates: "With NZ almost at 90% first dose and 72% double dose, surely letting in fully vaxxed travellers from say mid December when double dose is even higher with negative PCR tests either side is a no brainer?"
  • Public Health Response:
    • Concerns are raised about the decision to keep Christchurch at Level 2 despite a Covid-positive truck driver delivering goods in the area: "There is no way they didn't give it to anybody else."
  • vaccination progress:
    • Positive remarks on vaccination progress, with some noting high vaccination rates across ethnicities and age groups: "Now we have at least 70% first and 50% jab across all ethnicities and age groups."

International Travel Concerns

  • Desire for Travel:
    • Frustration is expressed over the lack of clarity on when international travel will be allowed: "When will I be able to leave? Every other country seems to be able to travel, but I can't even with the vaccine and tests."
  • Concerns about boosters:
    • Questions are raised about the absence of information on booster shots for the general population: "Has anyone asked yet about boosters for the general population?"
  • Vacation Plans:
    • Personal anecdotes shared about the challenges of planning travel due to changing border restrictions and vaccination requirements.

Criticisms and Frustrations

  • Government Decisions:
    • Disapproval of government decisions, with complaints about communication and handling of alert levels: "Well, if you needed more proof that the government doesn't care about alert levels anymore..."
  • Mandatory Vaccination:
    • Calls for mandatory vaccination passes are made, with concerns about potential future lockdowns: "WHY TF don’t we bring in mandatory Vax passes?? almost too late now. Enjoy the next lockdown."

Family Situations and MIQ Concerns

  • personal stories:
    • A Reddit user shares a personal story about family members in different locations and the challenges of planning visits due to border restrictions and health concerns.
  • MIQ Experience:
    • Mixed feelings about Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) requirements and frustrations over changing timelines for border openings.

Overall, the Reddit comments discussed a range of topics including New Zealand's COVID-19 response, international travel uncertainties, vaccination progress, government decisions, and personal experiences related to family situations and border restrictions.

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