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Discover reviews on "remove icloud" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: December 16, 2024 at 11:42 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "remove icloud" Query:

Scam Regarding iCloud and Stolen iPhones:

  • Scammers target owners of stolen iPhones, trying to convince them to remove the Apple ID from the device to resell it on the black market.
  • The device should be marked as stolen, not removed, turning it into a useless item for the thieves.
  • Users should not engage with scammers, block them, and report to the police as the threats are empty.
  • Scammers trying to intimidate phone owners into removing iCloud are engaged in empty threats. The phone is valueless to them otherwise.
  • The scam involves pressuring victims to unlock the phone, beware of escalating threats.
  • Offers to help scam victims with setting up their own iCloud account as a form of appropriate punishment.
  • Logic dictates not to remove the stolen device, as law enforcement can interact with local user data.
  • Pro: Scam alert and guidance on how to handle scammers and stolen iPhones.
  • Con: Users targeted by the scam may face persistent threats and intimidation but should continue to ignore them.

Issues with iCloud Activation Lock Status Page:

  • The iCloud Activation Lock Status Page was taken down, possibly due to security concerns or exploits.
  • The removal of the page may be temporary, and users should reach out to Apple Support for assistance.
  • Con: Users report confusion and inconvenience due to the absence of the Activation Lock Status Page.
  • Con: The lack of information from Apple on the reason for the page's removal raises concerns among users.

Unlocking and Bypass Tools for Apple Devices:

  • Various tools like Sliver, checkra1n, Purple Sliver, and others are suggested for unlocking different iPhone models.
  • Users seek guidance on unlocking devices like the iPhone XR, iPhone 8, and more using different tools.
  • Pro: Information shared on unlocking tools provides valuable insights for users looking to bypass activation locks.
  • Con: Some tools may require specific hardware swapping, making the unlocking process complex.


  • Discussion on celebrities' privacy infringements and legal actions against Google.
  • Reddit users provide tool recommendations, assistance, and experiences with unlocking iCloud-locked Apple devices.
  • Con: Users express dissatisfaction with the iCloud system but appreciate community support and shared experiences in navigating iCloud lock issues.

This summary covers the various insights and experiences shared by Reddit users regarding iCloud-related scams, unlocking tools, and issues with the Activation Lock Status Page.

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