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Last updated: October 27, 2024 at 09:21 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "relation france maroc":

France and Morocco Relations

  • Some users express a desire for North African countries like Morocco to distance themselves from France, with one pointing out that if North African countries could dislike someone else and the population could emigrate to more compatible countries, France may not lose much.
    • "La partie serait perdue pour qui? Si les pays du maghreb pouvaient detester quelqu'un d'autre et la population emigrer vers des pays plus compatibles avec leur vision de la religion, pas sur que la France y perde grand chose."
  • There are comments highlighting France's historical decline in power post-1870 and particularly after 1945, suggesting that it no longer had the means to retain its territories such as the Maghreb.
    • "Il faut que les Français réalisent que l'Europe s'est auto-sabotée avec les deux guerres mondiales."

Views on Moroccan Leadership

  • Some users question the legitimacy of the King of Morocco and the military leaders of Algeria, pointing out that they are not elected and do not truly represent their people.
    • "le roi du maroc / les militaires d'algérie. Ils sont pas élu, ils representent pas leurs peuples."

Importance of Broadening Perspectives

  • One user suggests exploring different viewpoints beyond just focusing on France and highlights the richness of Francophonie.
    • "Il y en a que pour la France ici depuis que tu postes... essaie un autre point de vue, je t'assure que c'est riche la francophonie !"

Miscellaneous Comments

  • There are comments related to the potential bargaining involving recognition of the Sahara region by Morocco in exchange for favors like keeping Sarkozy in the country.
  • Some mention the issue of individuals seeking medical treatment in France to avoid paying for healthcare in Morocco.

This summary encompasses a range of perspectives on the relationship between France and Morocco, highlighting political, historical, and cultural dimensions as discussed in the Reddit comments.

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