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Last updated: November 12, 2024 at 05:35 PM
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Refrigerator Choices

Redditor Comments Summary

Team Fortress 2

  • One user mentions, "I firmly believe HL3 and Portal 3 would be better than GTA 6 but i just don't see what they could do with team fortress that hasn't already been done to make it better."
  • Another user adds, "as it's multiplayer, it can't really rely on story and narrative as a talking point in the discussion of how good it is."

Left 4 Dead 3

  • A user questions the absence of Left 4 Dead 3 by saying, "No l4d3?"

Portal Alyx (Portal VR game)

  • One comment simply states, "Portal Alyx go hart."

Half Life Franchise

  • A user expresses doubts about the relevance of Half Life in today's gaming landscape, stating, "As much as I love Valve and every game they make, Half Life is really not relevant anymore."
  • Another user adds, "What is out that HL3 would do here? AI dialogue? That’s hardly enough motivation to make a whole new title for."
  • One user highlights the appeal of Valve's games, but acknowledges the dominance of GTA among modern gamers, saying, "people nowadays just like gta more, it's just way more mainstream."

GTA Series

  • GTA is perceived as more popular and mainstream, with a user commenting, "its just way more mainstream and on everything unlike what these games would be on which most likely would be VR."
  • Another user emphasizes the lasting popularity and appeal of GTA 5, stating, "GTA 5 alone has been a staple for kids and adults alike for about a decade."

Pros and Cons

Team Fortress 2

  • Pros: Strong multiplayer gameplay.
  • Cons: Limited potential for significant improvements due to its multiplayer nature.

Half Life Franchise

  • Pros: History of innovative game design.
  • Cons: Questionable relevance in the current gaming market, lack of clear new technology to leverage for Half Life 3.

GTA Series

  • Pros: Wide popularity across different age groups.
  • Cons: Potential saturation in the market, overshadowing other franchises.

Final Thoughts

  • The discussion on different game franchises like Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 3, Portal Alyx, Half Life, and GTA reveals varying opinions on their relevance and appeal in the gaming community.
  • While some users appreciate the innovation Valve brings to its games like Half Life, others acknowledge the mass appeal and longevity of the GTA Series.
  • Ultimately, the choice between these franchises comes down to personal preference and the specific qualities each game offers, whether it's strong multiplayer gameplay, innovative design, or mainstream popularity.

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