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Discover reviews on "rats" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 02:01 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "rats"

Domestic vs. wild rats

Benefits of Pet rats

  • Pet rats are sweet, smart, and fun.
  • They are very clean and social animals.
  • Pet rats are friendly and can be trained.

Negative Perceptions of Rats

  • Rats have a poor reputation due to their history, association with diseases like the plague, and depiction in media.
  • Some people find their tails and rapid movements unsettling.

Solutions for Rat Issues

  • Snap traps are recommended for controlling rat populations.
  • Using rat baits or repellents like Rat-X can be effective.
  • Cats are natural predators of rats and are recommended for keeping them away.
  • Other suggestions include using dry ice, mint or mint sprays, barn Cats, and employing electronic devices.

The Rat Experience

  • Stories include encounters with rats on farms, in classrooms, and at open days.
  • Some individuals have overcome their fear or dislike of rats after interacting with them.

Extreme Measures

  • Extreme measures like using sewing needles to deter rats have been considered out of desperation.
  • Other solutions include setting traps and creating barriers to prevent rat infestations.


  • A variety of other comments discuss rat behavior, potential harm caused by rats, and eradication methods involving tools and traps.

Overall, the comments provide a comprehensive view of people's experiences with rats as pets, pests, and creatures that evoke mixed emotions. They touch on the pros and cons of having Pet rats, the challenges of dealing with wild rats, and various methods for controlling rat populations.

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