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Last updated: October 20, 2024 at 07:33 AM
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Professor Saty Query Summary from Reddit Comments

Ahmadi Muslim Historical Plague Analysis

  • A Reddit user, /u/OUTSIDE_THE_BOXX, extensively researched the plague in Punjab during the 1900s concerning Ahmadi Muslims and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. They reflected on the contrasting beliefs taught to Ahmadis about being safe from the Plague, and how this view changed over time.
  • The study highlighted how the Jama'at controlled its historical narrative, leading to minimal outside scrutiny and adherents growing up with specific narratives.
  • Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's statements during the Plague crisis were analyzed, showing a shift in attitudes over the years.
  • The post raised questions about Ahmadis engaging with the information presented and the need for detailed defenses of the prophecies.
  • Users appreciated the thorough study, with one former Ahmadi Muslim acknowledging how the essay highlighted issues with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad they had come to realize.
  • The study exposed inconsistencies in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claims, circular reasoning, and hypocrisies in his writings related to the Plague crisis.

Handling Emotional Struggles During PhD

  • Users shared their experiences of emotional struggles during a Ph.D. program, with some crying daily due to stress, while others dissociated from their emotions.
  • The frequency and reasons for crying varied among users, with some finding solace in a crying diary, and others feeling numb due to the intensity of the program.
  • Some users reflected on not crying during their Ph.D., except in certain circumstances like defense, while others found occasional crying therapeutic.

Professional Captain's Mental Health

  • Users discussed Captain Picard's mental health struggles, emphasizing his resilience despite enduring traumatic experiences such as torture, assimilation by the Borg, and losing loved ones.
  • Various episodes were mentioned that showcased Picard's emotional resilience and ability to overcome challenges.
  • Comparisons were made between the mental health challenges faced by Captain Picard and other Starfleet officers, like Janeway and O'Brien.

Remedies for Sade Sati Troubles

  • Reddit users shared remedies for dealing with the effects of Sade Sati, a challenging period as per Vedic astrology.
  • Remedies included worshiping deities like Hanuman and Shani, performing specific rituals, chanting mantras, practicing spiritual disciplines, and maintaining personal hygiene.
  • Personal experiences and lessons were shared, emphasizing the importance of faith, patience, good karma, and self-reflection during difficult astrological phases.

Taste in Star Trek Episodes

  • Users discussed their top picks for Star Trek episodes, comparing personal favorites and notable omissions from different lists.
  • Recommendations for swapping out episodes like 'Hide and Q' for 'Where Silence had Lease', 'Remember Me', 'Schisms', and 'Peak Performance' were noted.
  • Nitpicks and suggestions for adding episodes like 'Phantasms', 'The Game', 'Night Terrors', 'Ensign Ro', 'Preemptive Strike', 'Silicon Avatar', and 'The Wounded' were made.

This summary provides insights from Reddit comments on Professor Saty, Ahmadi Muslim history, emotional struggles during a Ph.D., Captain Picard's mental health, remedies for Sade Sati, and Star Trek episode preferences.

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