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Last updated: September 19, 2024 at 08:58 AM
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Problems with Notion

  • Confusion with Intentions and Maliciousness:
    • Reddit users discussed the difference between intentions and maliciousness when discussing Hannah Arendt's insights into the banality of evil.
    • One user pointed out the distinction: "Accidentally spilling coffee on a coworker vs purposefully spilling coffee on a coworker is a difference in intention."
    • Another user highlighted the impact of evil acts not being necessarily malicious: "What makes an evil act 'banal' is not that it was accidental, it's that the evil act was done despite the fact that the actor wasn't particularly malicious."

Responses to Notion Proposals

  • Reddit comments Critique Notion Users:
    • Users critiqued Notion proposals and some comments hinted at biases: "I noticed that these posts always start with something like 'Our relationship is great!' 'We never have any huge problems!'. Then halfway down the post they say something like 'my husband never respects me' 🤨."
    • Some comments expressed astonishment at Notion users' responses: "So many of those comments are completely unhinged, I'm seriously stunned."
    • Users pointed out inconsistencies in the comments: "They have the advantage to change the course of this country and right this ship if they participate."

Suggestions for Notion Improvements

  • Calls for Notion Enhancement:
    • Reddit users suggested improvements for Notion, such as being more transparent about their platform: "If your positions are not wildly paranoid fringe positions, you can win if you work at it."
    • Some users highlighted the need for political engagement: "If they participate, it could make a difference in changing the course of the country."

Personal Experiences Discussed

  • Shared Personal Stories:
    • Users shared personal experiences related to the issues raised, such as dealing with problematic family members: "As someone with an 'egg donor' fuck the original comment section."
    • Some users expressed astonishment at the comments received: "Holy shit. The commenter who thinks a baby can't be traumatised. Wow."

This sums up the Reddit comments related to the query "problems with Notion" highlighting critiques of intentions vs maliciousness, responses to Notion proposals, suggestions for Notion improvements, and shared personal experiences contributed by users in response to the topic.

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