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Discover reviews on "presonus hd8" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 5, 2024 at 01:41 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on PreSonus HD8

  • The link provided is for a listing of PreSonus HD8 at a cheap price, causing confusion and skepticism among users.
  • There are concerns that the product may not be genuine and could be a scam, possibly without the necessary iLok License.
  • Users caution that Pro Tools 10 and 11 are not specifically tied to the PreSonus HD8 interface and can operate with other interfaces.
  • The PreSonus HD8 is suggested to be interface locked to blue-face HD gear such as the Avid 192s.


  • Flexible and affordable software compatibility with Pro Tools versions.
  • Potential compatibility with other interfaces beyond Avid 192s.


  • Risk of purchasing counterfeit or scam products at unusually low prices.
  • Interface locking may limit the use of the PreSonus HD8 to specific hardware, restricting versatility for some users.
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