Last updated: September 22, 2024 at 03:06 PM
paya soup recipe
- Description: The paya soup recipe involves stewing beef trotters to create a nutritious and delicious comfort food popular in Pakistan for its health benefits.
- Source: Link to Full Recipe
Barb Build for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
- Barb Build: It is mentioned that the paya recipe is "Not bad for trav running barb."
- Pros: Suitable for a build that needs Faster Cast Rate (FCR), like a bonemancer.
- Cons: The lack of +skills in the paya recipe means it's not considered endgame gear.
- Quote: "It's nice enough- if you're going for a build that needs FCR, like a bonemancer, it's pretty good- but the lack of +skills means it's not endgame gear."
Ladder Necromancer Amulet Crafting
- Description: A Reddit user crafting a necromancer amulet on the ladder in a game.
- Concern: The user questions whether they made a mistake by not getting a higher level amulet with +2 necromancer skills.
- Quote: "I am on the ladder leveling a necromancer and wanted to make a better amulet.. ended up making this thing. Pretty excited about it! I do see higher level ones roll with a +2 necro skills... did I mess up getting it so low?"
Bonus: Selling Items on the Ladder in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
- Question: A user asks about what is currently used to sell items on the ladder in the game.
- Quote: "I see people talking about selling things in the ladder.. what do people use to sell nowadays? I took a break and this is my first ladder back. Thank you!"
Paya Appreciation
- Comment: A simple declaration of love for paya.
- Quote: "God, I love paya"
- Quote: "Doing the damn thing"