Last updated: October 29, 2024 at 12:50 PM
Online Business
Reddit Comments Summary:
- Bride's wedding was disrupted by Ex and MIL, causing drama and embarrassment.
- OP was accused of sharing the bride's private story on Reddit, leading to strained relationships.
- FaMILies of the bride and groom were criticized for their roles in the wedding fiasco.
- Gifting etiquette for canceled weddings was briefly discussed.
- Overall, Redditors Expressed sympathy for the bride and condemned the actions of those involved.
Low Noise TreadMILl for Home Use
Reddit Comments Summary:
Marketing Courses Online for Business Majors
Reddit Comments Summary:
- Marketing major Expresses frustration with the abundance of online business classes, particularly in core requirements.
ZanClan Artwork Sales
Reddit Comments Summary:
- Caution advised regarding selling someone else's artwork without permission, suggested to ask for Zanny's approval.
MILk in the Fridge
Reddit Comments Summary:
- Humorous analogy used to describe OP's storytelling style for confirming the presence of MILk in the fridge.
- Some users found the post to be lengthy with no payoff while others Expressed interest in the continuation of the story.