Last updated: December 11, 2024 at 10:22 AM
Query: "Omia PHP"
Omia PHP Discussion
- One user mentioned purchasing a special edition magazine that provides details about a boat, noting significant differences in sail surface area and questioning the impact on speed: "What could explain such differences? Shouldn't a lower surface cause lower speed?"
PHP Pros and Cons
- Discussion on the Finnish political scene highlighted the complexity of voter interests, with one user noting the subjective nature of the voter's interest and the different perspectives on issues like social benefits and employment: "Isommat sosiaalietuudet ja suurempi työllisyysaste ovat jossain määrin ristiriidassa keskenään."
- There was debate on the alignment of political parties with different education levels of voters in Finland: "Peruskoulu: SDP > KESK > KOK > PS > VAS > VIHR > KD > RKP"
- A comment critiqued the idea of voting solely based on personal gain, highlighting the multifaceted reasons for voting for a particular party: "Joidenkin äänestystulos perustuu myös muuhun kuin pelkkään henkilökohtaisen omaisuuden maksimointiin."
- The discussion also touched on the role of propaganda in schools and how some people vote against their own interests due to ideological beliefs or ignorance: "Kyseessä on melkoinen temppu että persut ovat onnistuneet luomaan itsestään kuvan työväen ja köyhien puolueena."
- A user reflected on their tendency to vote against their own interests due to privilege and stated: "Äänestän itse käytännössä aina omaa etuani vastaan. Olen sen verran etuoikeutettu ja hyväosainen."
Transistor Soundtrack and Other Game Soundtracks
- Users shared their favorite video game soundtracks, including Transistor, Hotline Miami, Payday 2, FTL: Faster Than Light, Halo 3, Mass Effect series, and Diablo series: "Varmaan jäi mainitsematta jotain, mutta nuo tulee nyt heti mieleen."
- The Transistor soundtrack was highly praised by multiple users: "Aiemmin mainittujen Transistorin ja Bastionin soundtrackit on kyllä kermaa."
- Other notable soundtracks mentioned were from games like Hotline Miami 2, Frozen Synapse, Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, Planescape: Torment, EVE Online, and Total Annihilation: "Total Annihilationin ääniraita on melko eeppistä settiä."
- Various soundtracks from games like Final Fantasy, Ace Attorney, Baldur's Gate II, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Deus Ex, and Jade Empire were highlighted: "Final Fantasyt"
Based on the Reddit comments, the discussion covered information on boats and sail surface area, complexities of voting based on personal interests, and a wide range of video game soundtracks that users enjoy, such as Transistor, Total Annihilation, and various others like Halo 3, Mass Effect series, and Diablo series.