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Last updated: October 28, 2024 at 05:26 PM
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Summarizing Reddit Comments on "Nude Celebrities"

Requests for Names and Information

  • Users requested names of individuals in the gifs.
  • Some users requested more information about specific individuals, like their age or names.
  • There were questions about specific numbers or gifs.
  • A request was made for the full video of a particular scene.

Positive Reactions and Comments

  • Positive reactions and admiration for certain individuals in the gifs.
  • Users shared their preferences for specific gifs or images.
  • Some users expressed shock or appreciation for the content.

Miscellaneous Comments

  • Some comments were unrelated to the content of the post, involving discussions about positions and removed videos.
  • A mention of Antonio Banderas in relation to celeb content.
  • A link to more content related to female celebrities in the nude.

Bot Messages

  • Bot messages reminding users of community guidelines and rules.
  • Links to save videos and access celebrity top 10s or an AI celebrity chat.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • Users seemed interested in the content and engaged in discussions around it.
    • Positive reactions and admiration for certain individuals.
  • Cons:
    • Requests for content that was removed or unavailable.
    • Some unrelated or off-topic comments in the thread.

Overall, the thread included requests for information, positive reactions to content, miscellaneous comments, and bot messages. The engagement and interest from users were evident, along with some challenges related to accessing specific content or videos.

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