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Last updated: November 16, 2024 at 07:05 PM
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New Method for Having a Long-Distance Girlfriend

Reddit User Comments Summary

  • Relationship Issues:

    • User expresses skepticism about the legitimacy of a long-distance relationship based on limited communication methods like Discord and email:
      • "Your good for when she wants to get off and there's no one in person around but it doesn't sound like she sees you as her actual BF."
    • Concerns raised about lack of communication and avoidance by the girlfriend:
      • "You have only one method to contact her from and she is choosing for one reason or the other to not respond, reach out etc."
    • Advice to consider ending the relationship due to unhealthy dynamics and lack of seriousness:
      • "It isn't healthy, and is holding you back from having an actual relationship where you could be happy."
  • Potential Relationship Ending:

    • Suggestions to wait for her return and then end the relationship:
      • "I’d wait for her to return and when/if she does and hasn’t ghosted you end it."
    • Encouragement to communicate clearly and end the relationship if needed:
      • "You should send her a message on both Discord and email, telling her that you are breaking off whatever this is you have with her."
  • Positive Feedback on Writing:

    • Users appreciate the writing style of a Reddit post, finding it interesting and inspiring:
      • "Good work! This feels like a classic short story scifi warning. Good stuff!"
      • "This was excellently written, and actually something needed for my path."

In conclusion, the Reddit comments provide insights into the challenges and dynamics of a long-distance relationship based primarily on limited communication methods. Users express doubts about the seriousness of the relationship and offer advice on communication and potentially ending the relationship. Additionally, there are positive comments regarding the quality of writing found in a Reddit post.

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