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Last updated: September 8, 2024 at 12:17 AM
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Licensed DLC Characters in Game

  • Wesker and Chucky: Considered the strongest pay for DLC characters, both being A-tier and incredibly fun killers.
    • Users feel Chucky might be stronger due to buffs.
    • Wesker is fun and effective for casual players.
    • Wesker is recommended because he's easier to understand quickly.
  • Leatherface: Offers the best perks and enjoyable gameplay according to some players.
    • Users suggest choosing between Leatherface, Demogorgon, Pyramid Head, Wesker, Nemesis, and Pinhead.
  • Alien: Requires more awareness and quick reactions but is strong with unique abilities.
  • Xeno, Nemesis, and Demo: Decent choices for killers but considered a bit weaker.
  • Michael Myers: Users have found him underrated, being able to perform well when played effectively.
  • Myers and Chucky: Users mentioned Chucky's rework being anticipated and Myers being a decent killer.

Pros and Cons of Licensed DLC Characters:


  • Provide unique abilities.
  • Offer diverse gameplay experiences.
  • Can be fun and enjoyable to play.


  • Some characters may require more skill and awareness.
  • Different characters may have varying levels of effectiveness.
  • Reworks may influence the character's strength.

Massage Therapist Insights

  • Work Environment and Interactions:
    • Work culture varies among employers, with more solo work in licensed stores.
    • Massage therapists may face challenges with some clients or encounters.
  • Client-Centered Concerns and Preparations:
    • Clients' concerns range from creepy behavior to judgement about their bodies.
    • Guidelines on etiquette, clothing, and self-care are crucial for positive interactions.
  • Career and Education:
    • Pursuing massage therapy involves finding a good school and ongoing education.
    • Schools may overpromise job placements, leading to potential challenges for new therapists.
  • Massage Products and Techniques:
    • Choosing the right massage style or technique can help alleviate pain for newcomers.
    • Therapists should prioritize their safety and boundaries when dealing with clients.

Tips and Insights for Massage Therapists:


  • Establish clear boundaries with clients.
  • Ensure ongoing education and professional development.
  • Prioritize self-care and safety during client interactions.


  • Continuous self-improvement is key in the massage therapy field.
  • Understanding and respecting boundaries contribute to a positive work environment.

Coffee Shop Employee Benefits

  • Corporate vs. Licensed Stores: Corporate stores offer better benefits like free degree programs and health insurance, while licensed stores provide benefits based on the host business.
    • Employees cannot transfer between corporate and licensed stores due to differing policies and operations.

Highlights of Corporate vs. Licensed Stores:

Corporate Stores:

  • Benefits include free degree programs and better insurance.
  • Operated directly by Starbucks with consistent policies.

Licensed Stores:

  • Benefits depend on the host business.
  • Employees may work more independently due to solo shifts.
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