Last updated: September 3, 2024 at 12:29 PM
League of Legends
Comments on Gameplay and Experience
- The game has a steep learning curve but can be fun once mastered.
- The player base can be toxic, especially for new players.
- The game tends to bring out the worst in people.
- The matchmaking can feel rigged at times.
- The constant grind and competitiveness can make it addictive.
- The UI/HUD can feel outdated.
- Some players find it difficult to recover after dying once in the game.
- League can feel like being a hostage due to the surrender culture.
- Heroes of the Storm is praised for having multiple maps and a playable VS AI mode.
- The community and toxicity of players can be deterring for new or casual players.
- There are concerns about the high barrier to entry for new players to the game.
- Some players have had negative experiences leading to addiction, burnout, or quitting the game.
- Switching to new hobbies, setting different goals, or seeking therapy can help in quitting League addiction.
Comments on Dota 2 vs. League of Legends
- Comparisons are made between Dota 2 and League of Legends regarding skill levels, heroes, play styles, and matchmaking systems.
Comments on Other MOBAs
- Heroes of the Storm is favored for its multiple maps and hero design.
- The lack of multiple maps in League of Legends is criticized.
- Notably, Heroes of the Storm is mentioned as an alternative due to its various maps and gameplay mechanics.
Overall, opinions on League of Legends are mixed, with criticism directed at its toxicity, learning curve, and community, but some players still find it enjoyable despite its flaws. Comparisons with other MOBAs like Dota 2 and Heroes of the Storm are made, highlighting different aspects of gameplay and player experiences.