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Last updated: August 31, 2024 at 02:46 PM
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Key Management Systems Comments Summary

AWS Secrets Manager

  • AWS Secrets Manager is recommended for storing secrets securely, allowing for easy rotation of secrets and access control.
  • It is advised to avoid hardcoding credentials in code and instead use IAM roles for applications running in AWS.
  • Benefits include dynamic credential fetching, easy secret rotation, and better security.

Storage & Retrieval Methodologies

  • Zettelkasten, LYT, PARA are methodologies shaping storage and retrieval of information, not specific applications.
  • Requests to add methodologies alongside applications were made, but the list discussed only applications.

Additional Applications

  • Siyuan, Capacities, Muse, DeVontink, Notebook by Zoho, SimpleNote, Boostnote, Vnote, MicroPad, MarkText, Escape App, Defter Notes, Tinderbox, Polar, Supernotes, MarginNote, ByteBase, Hypernomicon are suggested as additional applications to consider adding to the list.
  • Some apps highlighted include features like WYSIWYG markdown editing, mind mapping, and secure note storage.


  • Discussions on FOSS status of Inkdrop, usability with services like Dropbox, and potential for adding more applications were present.
  • Requests for the list to be updated, questions about criteria, and mentions of specific apps like Tinderbox and Polar were also made.

Overall, the comments cover a range of key management systems, methodologies, requests for adding applications, and related topics like FOSS status and app criteria. These insights offer a comprehensive view of the landscape of key management systems and related concepts based on the Reddit discussions.

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