Last updated: August 27, 2024 at 03:22 PM
Summary of Reddit Comments on "jobs board api"
Background Information
- The comments discuss various personal experiences of individuals with different job boards and work environments, including issues related to salaries, counter offers, and changes in employment.
Specific Insights
Former Job Environment
- The K-12 school environment was described as underpaying employees and facing challenges such as tight budgets and limited appreciation for employees’ value.
- One individual mentioned feeling hesitant to leave a K-12 school job due to knowing the value they provided but ultimately chose to move on.
Counter Offers
- The consensus was that accepting counter offers from current employers is generally not advised as it can lead to potential negative repercussions, such as being overworked or let go later on.
- It was mentioned that management may try to avoid giving promised raises or benefits later after securing employees with a counter offer.
Transition to healthcare IT
- Transitioning from a K-12 school job to healthcare IT was viewed as potentially stressful due to dealing with outdated systems, tight budgets, and heavy regulations.
- There was a sense of caution about entering the healthcare IT field, with warnings about maintaining EOL systems, ensuring security, and navigating complex regulations.
Salary Considerations
- Several comments pointed out the importance of valuing one’s worth in the job market and seeking higher salaries, especially when transitioning between job roles.
- The individual stories shared highlighted the impacts of accepting lower salaries and the benefits of earning higher pay to support personal and family needs.
Job Environment Perception
- The IT work environments in K-12 schools were described as laid back and less stressful compared to other sectors, such as healthcare IT.
- The responsibilities within IT roles in schools, like tech positions, were noted to require significant time commitments and multidisciplinary skills to handle various tasks effectively.
Overall Advice
- The overall sentiment emphasized the importance of seeking higher salaries, gaining diverse work experiences, and considering factors beyond job environments, such as personal growth and learning opportunities in new roles.