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Discover reviews on "how to use ai agents" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 10, 2024 at 08:06 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "How to Use AI Agents"

AI Agents Exploration

  • Comments show excitement about the evolution of AI agents, with mentions of relevant companies like Relevance AI and Jace.ai.
  • The concept of AI agents is discussed, suggesting that they currently rely on LLMs for function calling and their potential to understand goals and autonomously plan to achieve them.
  • User explains the process of creating AI agents using functions and tools, highlighting the simplicity of interacting with LLMs for specific tasks.

Products for AI Agent Development


  • A user mentions exploring FETch.ai ecosystem and building an agent, noting its slow transaction speed due to being ETH-based but also highlighting its marketplace potential among agents.


  • Some users share experiences of setting up simple agents with the OpenAI API, like one triggering actions based on emails and another controlling smart lights as per set conditions.
  • The consensus is that simple agents created with the OpenAI API are cool and somewhat useful for niche purposes.

Crew AI

  • Crew AI is recommended for building customized agents using basic Python code, potentially allowing users to have personalized digital entities for various tasks.

AutoGen Studio

  • Users inquire about the usefulness of AutoGen Studio for creating AI agents, expressing interest in its potential but not seeing much tangible utility yet.


  • Users discuss challenges and rewards of building AI agents using LangChain, highlighting the steep learning curve and the need for patience and dedication to grasp its syntax and create complex agents.

Pros and Cons of AI Agents

  • Benefits:

    • AI agents can automate tasks, leading to efficiency and potential improvements.
    • They have the capability to transact using crypto assets, streamlining interactions.
    • They can operate in various domains, from gaming to real-world applications.
  • Challenges:

    • Concerns about job displacement with AI advancements.
    • Potential biases and incorrect information due to AI's learning from human-generated data.

Future of AI Agents

  • Speculations and excitement about AI agents becoming more autonomous and playing crucial roles in various industries.
  • Discussions around potential advancements in AI technology, virtual learning environments, and implications for society and individual professions.

In conclusion, the Reddit comments provide a mix of optimism, caution, and practical insights regarding the development, utility, and challenges of AI agents in different applications. Users highlight the potential and limitations of existing AI tools and platforms for creating and utilizing AI agents across various domains.

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