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Last updated: December 21, 2024 at 03:43 PM
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How to Create Instagram Posts

General Comments

  • The first rule of Instagram is to never, ever look at comments. The app doesn't have human moderation and most comments/posts you see are going to be rage bait or engagement bait.
  • OP might think men falling for MLMs is dumb, but they feel that supporting their partner in such situations is crucial.
  • MLMs don't let their victims go easily and might continue to ask for more money and commitment.
  • Some users point out the dangers faced by women when traveling solo in certain countries.
  • A user shared a harrowing experience from traveling in India.
  • There are comments discussing the discomfort and harassment women face while traveling alone.
  • Overall, some users express frustration over men's behavior and the need for women to constantly protect themselves.

Specific to the Reddit Updates

  • OOP is optimistic that things have improved but some users doubt the situation has truly changed.
  • Users warn of potential financial risks if OOP's husband stays involved in the MLM.
  • Concerns are raised about OOP's approach to supporting her husband in the MLM.
  • Comments suggest that addressing the MLM issue head-on might be necessary to prevent further problems.
  • There are warnings and skepticism about taking a soft approach with MLM involvement.

MLM Experiences

  • A user details a coworker's experience with an MLM, highlighting the brainwashing and financial losses.
  • Several users share negative experiences related to MLMs, including losing money on unsold inventory and getting involved despite being warned.
  • The pointlessness and financial risks associated with MLMs are emphasized by users.
  • Users express disappointment and concern over loved ones falling for MLM schemes.

In conclusion, the Reddit comments provide a mix of personal stories, warnings, and skepticism about MLMs, as well as shared experiences related to traveling alone as a woman and supporting partners in challenging situations like MLM involvement.

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