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Discover reviews on "how much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: August 27, 2024 at 08:38 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "how much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could"

Comments on wood chucking:

  • A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as it could chuck if it could chuck wood.
  • Some suggested different amounts of wood chucked including 1 wood, just enough, 17 wood, half a cord, and 42.
  • A wood chuck could chuck no wood, chuck all it could, or chuck wood as much as a wood chuck could.
  • There were humorous variations on the query like "how many Lowes would Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowes" and "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?"
  • The wood chuck question prompted creative spoken word responses with comedic and impressive delivery.
  • Some comments linked the query to other humorous "how much" queries involving groundhogs, coal trains, and woodchuck doctors curing disease.

wood chucking Equipment:

  • A trebuchet was suggested as a wood chuck, capable of chucking about 1 tonne per hour.
  • A gif showed a woodchuck resembling a cat and referenced being stuck in a water duct.
  • Plans for a device to chuck wood chucks inspired the question of chucking woodchucks.

Woodchuck as Animal:

  • Many found out that a woodchuck is the same as a groundhog, not mythical.
  • Discussions arose about legal ways to control woodchuck populations and involved referencing other legal cases involving animals.

Humor and Critique:

  • Users shared humorous or critical comments on the query, sparking varied responses.
  • Some comments used the woodchuck query humorously to address other topics like international politics and fictional scenarios.
  • Critique was offered on certain suggestions or legal advice provided in thread scenarios.


  • Various random and unrelated responses, memes, and partially deleted comments were scattered throughout the thread.
  • Conversations touched on wildlife living nearby, legal responsibilities with wild animals, and ethical considerations regarding wildlife removal.
  • Humorous quotes from movies and suggestions for comedic dialogues or Cameo requests added a light-hearted touch to the discussion.
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