Last updated: November 29, 2024 at 04:50 AM
Summary of Reddit Comments on "home subwoofer 12"
Using Car Amp with 12v DC on 120v AC
- Avoid using a car amp: Using a 12v DC car amp on 120v AC is not recommended due to complications and safety concerns.
- Recommendations: Use a plate amp, rack amp, or stereo amp designed for home use instead.
Amplifier Recommendations
- Behringer NX3000: Suggested as a good amp for subwoofers.
- Dayton Audio SA1000: A rack-mountable subwoofer amplifier is recommended for home use.
- Crown XLi Series: Recommended for having selectable voltages and RCA inputs.
Power Supply and Subwoofer Amplifier Setup
- Dayton UMII12-22 Ultimax II: Mentioned as a subwoofer model to consider.
- Power Supply Suggestions: Recommendations included using a 1200W switching PSU, an OG Xbox power supply, or a Fosi mono amp from Amazon for ease and safety.
HomePod Review and Music Recommendations
- Apple HomePod: Discussion on setting up stereo configurations, loudness compensation, bass performance, and room correction algorithms.
- Music Recommendations: Songs and albums suggested for testing new subwoofers or HomePods.
AirPlay Devices for Audio Setup
- AirPort Express 2 vs. Belkin AirPlay: Comparison of options for connecting additional speakers like subwoofers to retain Dolby Atmos and other audio formats.
- Other AirPlay Devices: Mention of MiiM Mini and MiiM Pro as alternative options with varying capabilities.
Overall, the comments cover a range of topics related to setting up home subwoofers, amplifier recommendations, power supply compatibility, and discussing the Apple HomePod review along with music recommendations.