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Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 04:36 PM
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A History of Memes

  • OMG.
    • Users reminisced about various memes from different years, expressing nostalgia and amusement.
    • Some users felt old looking back at the memes that used to be popular.
  • Shoes, Charlie the Unicorn
    • Mentioned by a user as part of the meme history, indicating the impact of this specific meme.
  • Mya Hee Mya Hoo Mya Haa Mya Haha
    • Recalled by a user as a reference to the era they were born in.
  • Rick Astley
    • One user suggested that Rick Astley should be included in memes every year.
  • Long cat
    • Described by a user as a memorable part of the meme timeline, evoking nostalgia.
  • 2002 meme with two guys
    • User expressed interest in discovering more about a meme with two guys and a specific face in 2002.
  • Life needs to slow down
    • User humorously mentioned feeling old and asked life to slow down.
  • Reddit in 2005
    • Discussion arose about Reddit's presence in 2005, reflecting on the platform's history.
  • Cultural impact of memes
    • A user humorously paralleled the timeline of memes to future art history studies, highlighting their significance.

A History of Oscar-Worthy Films

  • Viggo Mortensen
    • Highlighted Mortensen's performances and underrated acting skills by some users.
  • William Hurt
    • Praised for an excellent portrayal in a film and acknowledged for strong performances in limited screen time.
  • Eastern Promises
    • Recommended as a follow-up film by users, described as a slow-burning movie with a complex plot.
  • Graphic novel adaptations
    • Users discussed discrepancies between graphic novels and film adaptations, noting changes in content.
  • David Cronenberg
    • Appreciated for directing skills and specific film choices, sparking discussions on different aspects of his work.
  • Perceived quality in films
    • Differing opinions surfaced on the interpretation and enjoyment of specific movies.

The History of Podcasts on Roman Empire

  • Mike Duncan's Podcast
    • Users compared and contrasted the quality of podcasts, highlighting enjoyment and educational value.
  • Revolutionary Roman History
    • Discussion included the engaging nature and depth of the podcast on specific historical periods.
  • Listeners' engagement
    • Users shared personal experiences and regrets regarding the podcast's content and engagement.
  • Podcast Recommendations
    • Recommendations were made for additional history podcasts and sources for detailed information on specific topics.
  • In-depth Analysis
    • Users expressed appreciation for the entertaining and informative nature of the history podcast.
  • Podcast Criticism
    • Some users noted outdated research in the podcast and suggested alternative sources for historical information.
  • Listeners' Engagement
    • Personal stories were shared about the impact and allure of history podcasts on Roman history.

The History of Skincare Brands

  • Sulwhasoo
    • Users discussed product comparisons within the Sulwhasoo brand and shared experiences with various skincare lines.
  • Skincare Consultations
    • Appreciation was shown for comprehensive information about luxury skincare brands and misconceptions regarding their suitability.
  • Product Recommendations
    • Users sought advice on skincare routines, product selections, and specific brand comparisons.
  • Luxury Skincare
    • Discussion centered around navigating various luxury AB brands, the challenges of selecting products, and eagerness to explore new brands.
  • Satisfaction with Product Information
    • Gratitude was expressed for detailed write-ups, information about specific products, and the overall value of the provided insights.

A History of Movies

  • A History of Violence (2005)
    • Users shared contrasting opinions on the quality, performances, and directorial choices in the film.
  • Comparison with Graphic Novel
    • Discussion arose about the adaptation of the film from the graphic novel and preferences for one over the other.
  • Women in Movies
    • Specific characters and performances were singled out for praise or criticism, influencing viewers' perceptions of the film.
  • Cronenberg as a Director
    • Appreciation was shown for David Cronenberg's skills as a director and the unique elements he brings to his films.
  • User Experiences
    • Varied reactions to the movie's plot, characters, and storytelling aspects were shared among users.
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