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Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 04:15 PM
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Query: Hermetic


  • Hermeticism & Freemasonry:

    • Hermeticism isn't highly relevant to Freemasonry, but many 19th-century occultists joined Freemasonry seeking occult knowledge and eventually formed or joined hermetic/occult orders outside Freemasonry.
    • Some Freemasonry lodges discuss Hermeticism occasionally, with some members showing interest in it.
  • Kybalion:

    • The Kybalion heavily draws from Hermeticism but is not considered a genuine Hermetic text; it leans towards a mix of Hermeticism, New Age theology, and philosophy.
    • Some mention Jung's interest in Hermeticism, exploring alchemical and symbolic aspects.
    • The Kybalion is viewed as New Age rather than true Hermetic; it's valued for insights into alchemical and Hermetic symbolism.
  • Carl Jung's Works on Hermeticism:

    • Jung explores alchemical symbolism and individuation in works like "Psychology and Alchemy" and "Mysterium Coniunctionis," linking alchemical themes to psychological transformation.
  • Hermetic Principles:

    • The "Tria Prima" from Liber Hermetiis De Sex Rerum Principiis includes six Hermetic Principles.
  • Recommended Books:

    • Corpus Hermeticum and The Hermetica by Brian P. Copenhaver are suggested for those interested in Hermeticism.
  • Others Works:

    • Atkinson's "Arcane Teaching" and Bardon's "Initiation into Hermetics" are mentioned as influential in Hermeticism.
  • Advice on Reading:

    • Older, traditional Hermetic texts are preferred over newer works like The Kybalion.
    • The Hermetic Tarot deck is discussed, with warnings that it can be symbolically dense and challenging for beginners.
  • Additional:

    • Various insights and opinions on the Hermetic alarm in video games were shared.
    • Discussion on historical aspects, societal relevance, and personal experiences related to Hermeticism and associated topics.
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