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Last updated: October 7, 2024 at 10:35 AM
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Harry Potter Audiobook

  • Stephen Fry vs Jim Dale
    • Stephen Fry is preferred by many due to his voice that aligns well with the magical theme of the books.
    • Jim Dale is animated, while Stephen Fry is more traditional and adult in his narration.
    • Preferences vary depending on which version listeners first heard.
  • Narrators in Different Languages
    • Rufus Beck narrates the German version and is praised for his soothing voice and ability to create a whole audio play alone.
  • Pros and Cons of Stephen Fry's Narration
    • Fry is overwhelmingly favored for his excellent portrayal of characters like Hagrid.
    • Some find Jim Dale's voice acting more engaging.
    • Fry's engaging dialogue adds extra flavor to the audiobooks.
  • New Audiobook Series
    • Audible and Pottermore Publishing will release seven new English audiobooks, featuring over 100 actors, Dolby Atmos sound design, and new scoring.
    • The audiobooks will include a full range of character voices, making the project exciting for many fans.
  • AI Voice Cloning
    • Concerns are raised about AI technology being able to clone famous voices like Stephen Fry's, potentially impacting the future of voice acting.
    • This advancement in technology raises questions about copyrighting voices and the implications for the entertainment industry.
  • JK Rowling Controversy
    • Discussion around JK Rowling's controversial beliefs and statements, leading some fans to distance themselves from her works.
    • Mixed feelings about separating the author from the art, with some expressing disappointment in Rowling's views and actions.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The post includes humorous memes, fan-made audiobook recommendations, discussions on voice cloning technology, and reactions to the Harry Potter series and its fanbase.
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