Last updated: December 26, 2024 at 03:34 PM
Hacks for Moleskine Notebook Users
- Increase Searchability: Users can tag with organizations, people, topics making notebooks more searchable
- Organizational Aid: Helps users categorize notes effectively
- Versatile Use: Suitable for meetings, personal journals, and other note-taking scenarios
- Limited Space: Some users found limitations in terms of running out of lines on pages
- Preference Variability: Some users still prefer traditional methods like using binders or colored pens
ASUS Security Breach
- Early Detection: Users were informed about a potential security breach by Kaspersky
- Precautionary Measures: Users were provided with tools to check for potential MAC address targeting
- Alternative Hardware Options: Users expressed readiness to switch to MSI or other brands
- Trust Issues: Some users expressed distrust towards ASUS for failing to notify customers
- Damage Control: Concerns about the impacts and whether certain ASUS products are affected
- Uncertainty: Users sought clarification on the scope of the security breach
Digital DM Note System
- Efficiency: Use of Notion for worldbuilding, session notes, and campaign plots streamlined the process
- Convenient Access: Ability to access notes from anywhere
- Community Support: Positive responses and empathy towards the situation
- Privacy Invasion: Players altering DM notes to favor their characters raised concerns
- Lack of Data Control: Some users questioned the security and edit history features of Notion
- Disrespectful Behavior: Cheating and altering notes indicated lack of respect for the DM's efforts
Overall, the comments emphasized the importance of organization and security in various aspects of life, from note-taking hacks to cybersecurity breaches, highlighting the need for efficient systems and vigilance in digital interactions.