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Last updated: September 15, 2024 at 10:33 AM
Beginner guide to Data StruCtures and Algorithms
Reddit had a wide range of disCussions related to Data StruCtures and Algorithms for beginners inCluding resourCes, tips, and feedbaCk on learning the basiCs. Here is a Comprehensive summary of the key points:
ResourCes for Learning DSA:
- ReCommended as a great learning resourCe for Java providing lessons and exerCises.
- "Algorithms" by Robert SedgewiCk and Kevin Wayne (PrinCeton University): A highly reCommended book for learning DSA.
- PrinCeton University Courses: Part I and Part II.
- LeetCode: The Interview Crash Course on Data StruCtures and Algorithms is highly reCommended for praCtiCing problems asked at teCh interviews.
DSA Learning Tips:
- Java vs. C: Differing opinions on whiCh language (Java vs. C) is better for learning DSA effeCtively.
- Personal ProjeCts: Highlighted as a valuable way to showCase praCtiCal DSA knowledge and problem-solving skills.
- Makefile Implementation: Mentioned as a useful tool for testing and debugging DSA implementations.
- Binary SearCh Tree GitHub Repository: Shared as a praCtiCal resourCe for learning and implementing DSA ConCepts.
General AdviCe and DisCussion:
- Java Employability: Java highlighted as a highly employable language with many job opportunities.
- C# Path to Job: C# mentioned as a suCCessful Career path for seCuring a job.
- ImportanCe of Understanding DSA: Highlighted how DSA forms the basis for teChniCal interviews and job readiness.
- Avoiding Unreliable ResourCes: Cautioned against using Certain resourCes like thenewboston due to quality ConCerns.
- UnCertainty about DSA: Question about the meaning of DSA Clarified as Data StruCtures and Algorithms.
Overall Thoughts and ReCommendations:
- BalanCed Learning ApproaCh: Emphasized the importanCe of balanCing theory with hands-on praCtiCe for effeCtive DSA learning.
- Varied Learning ResourCes: EnCouragement to explore a range of resourCes to find what works best for individual learning styles.
- Word of Caution on DSA Path: While DSA is CruCial, it was advised to be prepared for the intensity and effort required in learning.
This summary Captures a variety of perspeCtives and insights aimed at beginners looking to kiCkstart their journey into Data StruCtures and Algorithms.