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Discover reviews on "flowstar" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 08:12 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on Flowstar


  • Users mentioned having SpinFlowstars and how hitting themselves was common at first but improved with practice.
  • There are different opinions on SpinFlowstar fabrics, as each star may feel slightly different due to the type of fabric used.
  • One user mentioned having six SpinFlowstars with different feels, especially for double-sided ones made with two different fabrics.


  • Variety of fabrics provide different feels.
  • Improvement in hitting oneself with practice.


  • Some users found hitting themselves common, especially in the beginning.
  • Fabric differences may affect ease of use.

Trippy Squid Flowstar

  • A user compared Trippy Squid's flowstar to SpinFlowstars, mentioning it was smoother, more flexible, and lighter.
  • Despite being slippery initially, the fabric feeling was expected to improve after using the star for a while.


  • Smoother, more flexible, and lighter compared to SpinFlowstars.
  • Slippery fabric feeling improves with use.


  • Slippery fabric may be challenging initially.
  • Fabric may require some time to get used to.




  • DapoStar limited to European shipping.
  • Fake/handmade versions may not be of the correct material.

General Tips on Flowstar Usage

  • Practice reduces hitting oneself with the flowstar.
  • Larger diameter stars may be easier to spin, but smaller ones can also work depending on arm length.
  • Hitting oneself is common and can be reduced with technique.
  • Adjusting grip and practicing can help improve flowstar handling.
  • Different tricks may be easier with larger or smaller flowstars, based on personal preference and practice.

Maintenance Tips for Flowstars

  • Users shared tips on maintaining flowstars, such as washing, drying flat, and distributing weight evenly.
  • Misshaping issues after washing were mentioned, along with possible solutions like pulling along the squares while drying.
  • Some users faced challenges with maintaining the shape of their flowstars.


  • Flowstar meetups and gatherings were mentioned at events like Shambhala.
  • Users expressed interest in joining flowstar communities and events.
  • Different user experiences with various types of flowstars were shared.


  • Each flowstar has its unique feel based on the fabric used.
  • Practice and maintenance are essential for improving flowstar handling and longevity.
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