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Discover reviews on "expo router" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 3, 2024 at 01:13 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "Expo Router"

Expo Router Overview

  • Expo Router is an abstraction built on top of React Navigation, offering an easier way to handle routing in iOS, Android, and Web applications.
  • It simplifies Deep Linking by automatically supporting all routes.
  • It removes boilerplate code and simplifies app development.
  • Has additional benefits on Web, like improved performance by SSG'ing individual routes.
  • Provides a single file-based router for all three platforms.

Pros of Expo Router

  • Removes boilerplate code and simplifies routing.
  • Automatic Deep Linking.
  • Improved performance on Web.
  • Supports a single codebase for multiple platforms.

Cons of Expo Router

  • Some users find it makes protected routes harder to implement.
  • May have bugs and unstable fixes.
  • Can make files less readable.
  • Might have a learning curve for those used to React Navigation.

Comparison with React Navigation

User Recommendations and Experiences

  • Some users prefer React Navigation for its intuitiveness.
  • Authentication is a consideration when working with Expo Router, as it doesn't have a concept of protected routes.
  • Customization may be tricky, but leveraging framework defaults can save time and optimize project efficiency.
  • Users advise against using Expo Router if file-based routing is not preferred.
  • Focus on performance and UX while working with Expo Router.

Issues and Workarounds

  • Users have faced issues with flashing screens which may be related to background colors.
  • Suggestions to use useFocusEffect for screen data refreshing.
  • Creating a custom header can be a workaround for Expo Router limitations.
  • Addressing infinite loops in redirecting situations.

Additional Resources

This summary covers the diverse experiences and opinions shared by Reddit users related to Expo Router and its comparison with React Navigation along with various recommendations and workarounds provided by the community.

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