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Last updated: August 29, 2024 at 04:58 PM
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Query: Describe the term repeater


  • redundant is a key term mentioned several times in the comments related to the query. Users discussed how using redundant language or phrases, such as "ATM machine," is incorrect. One user pointed out, "You can't say 'ATM machine,' it's redundant!"
  • Pros
    • Helps in clarifying language and eliminating unnecessary words.
  • Cons
    • Can lead to confusion or miscommunication if not understood properly.


  • pleonasm was another term used in relation to the query. It was mentioned alongside the term redundant.
  • Pros
    • Highlights the use of unnecessary words.
  • Cons
    • Might be a less common term and not as widely recognized.


  • tautology was described as a term related to the query. Users equated phrases like "atm machine" to being a tautology.
  • Pros
    • Points out instances of unnecessary repetition in language.
  • Cons
    • Can sometimes be misinterpreted or misused if not understood correctly.

Department of Redundancy Department

  • The "Department of Redundancy Department" was humorously brought up in the comments. Users mentioned phrases like "the department of redundancy department" as a playful way to highlight redundancy.
  • Pros
    • Provides a light-hearted approach to addressing redundant language.
  • Cons
    • Purely for humor and not a formal term related to the query.

double negative

  • The term double negative was mentioned in one comment. This could refer to using two negative words in a sentence, which may be redundant in certain contexts.
  • Pros
    • Highlights the use of conflicting terms in a sentence.
  • Cons
    • Can create confusion or alter the meaning of the statement.


  • The term Otiose was briefly mentioned, indicating language or phrases that are redundant or unnecessary.
  • Pros
    • Offers a more formal and less commonly used synonym for redundancy.
  • Cons
    • May not be as widely recognized or understood by all individuals.

Overall Summary

  • The term repeater was discussed in various synonymous forms such as redundant, pleonasm, tautology, and double negative among others.
  • Pros
    • Aids in identifying unnecessary repetition in language for clarity.
  • Provides humor through playful terms like "Department of Redundancy Department".
  • Cons
    • Can lead to confusion or miscommunication if not used correctly or if the listener/reader does not understand the context.
  • Concepts like redundancy and pleonasm aim to highlight and eliminate unnecessary words or phrases in communication.
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