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Discover reviews on "coding for beginners" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: January 9, 2025 at 06:34 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "Coding for Beginners"

Overview of Learning Resources and Recommendations

  • The learn-anything.xyz search engine is recommended as a helpful tool to learn any topic in a linear way.
  • For beginners interested in coding, the following steps are suggested:
    • Start with Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, C#, or HTML5 as the language of choice.
    • Follow tutorials and code every day.
    • Understand core programming concepts that are language-independent.
  • CS50 (Harvard's Introduction to Computer Science course) is highly recommended for beginners. Watching the first lecture can be exciting and introduce important concepts in an easy-to-grasp manner.
  • Codecademy and freecodecamp are great starting points for beginners in coding.
  • Head First books are suggested as beginner-friendly resources for learning programming languages.
  • For visual learners, YouTube channels like Brad Traversy are highly recommended.
  • Unity is suggested for beginners interested in creating small indie games.
  • SoloLearn is a useful application for learning basics of multiple programming languages with gamified content.
  • Python is recommended as a beginner-friendly language, with resources like Automate the Boring Stuff with Python and Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python mentioned.
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are core languages for aspiring developers to start with.
  • Exciting tools like the Visual GUI Maker for Python can be beneficial for streamlining GUI design for beginners.
  • For game development, Unity is suggested, with resources like Game Devs, DirectX, and OpenGL recommended.

Coding Game and Puzzle Recommendations

  • Coding games like Rocket’s Drift School for learning AWD drifting and Scratch for programming basics are highlighted.
  • Coding bootcamps like Learn Academy, Hack Reactor, and Origin Code Academy are discussed for those looking to accelerate learning.
  • Resources for beginners like "A Smarter Way to Learn" and "Exercises for Programmers" are suggested for foundational learning.
  • Coding concepts and resources for programming fundamentals like variables, operators, methods/functions, etc. are emphasized.

Additional Helpful Tools and Resources

  • Tools like GitHub Pages are recommended for free web hosting.
  • Raspberry PI kit and Scratch are suggested for tactile learners starting out with programming.
  • Introduction to visual frameworks like Unity for game development and visual GUI design tools is encouraged.
  • Input and feedback sharing for game developers and players within the Nutaku community is highlighted.
  • Promotion codes and referrals are shared for the game Lust Goddess within the Nutaku community.

Overall, the Reddit comments provide a wealth of information, resources, and recommendations for beginners looking to start coding, game development, and programming concepts. Various tools, tutorials, books, and platforms are suggested, catering to different learning styles and interests. Promotions and referrals for specific games are also shared within the gaming community on Nutaku.

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