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Discover reviews on "cloud internxt and alternatives" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: October 25, 2024 at 01:41 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "cloud Internxt and alternatives"


  • Users expressed negative experiences with Internxt, including poor speeds and unstable bridges.
  • One comment advised against using Internxt, mentioning issues with decentralization and security breaches.



  • Pcloud was recommended for its user interface, large storage plans, and lifetime deals.
  • However, concerns were raised about pricing and potential security issues based on recent research findings.


  • While Filen was deemed okay, users highlighted limitations in scalability and ease of transferring data out.
  • Recommendations included considering the need for future expansion when opting for Filen.


  • MEGA was endorsed for its long-standing reputation, support for large storage plans, and ease of upgrading.
  • Users highly recommended MEGA for cloud storage needs.


  • Users praised FileLu for being solid, affordable, and feature-rich as an alternative to Internxt.

Piped API:

  • Piped API was utilized with Tasker for watching YouTube videos without using the platform.


  • Ente.io was suggested as an alternative to Google Photos, costing around $5 for 100GB storage.

Magic Earth:

  • Magic Earth was recommended over Google Maps for maps and navigation purposes.

ProtonMail & VPN:

  • Users opted for ProtonMail + VPN for secure email and browsing, offering a paid solution for privacy needs.

Self-Hosted Solutions:

  • Some users opted for self-hosted services like Nextcloud and Syncthing, highlighting the scalability and control over data.

Syncthing & Resilio Sync:

  • Syncthing and Resilio Sync were utilized for syncing files to personal computers instead of relying on cloud services.

DeGoogling Lifestyle:

  • Several users shared their experiences transitioning away from Google services to alternative providers.
  • Emphasis was placed on using Self-Hosted Solutions, privacy-focused email services, and open-source platforms.

Privacy Concerns:

  • Concerns were raised about privacy implications with Google services and the convenience versus privacy trade-off.
  • Various users shared their strategies for maintaining privacy while transitioning away from Google products.

This summary encompasses the diverse range of opinions and experiences shared by Reddit users regarding Internxt and alternative cloud storage solutions, along with insights on transitioning to a more privacy-centric digital lifestyle.

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