Last updated: October 26, 2024 at 09:16 AM
Christmas T-Shirt Dilemma Summary
Summary of Reddit Comments
Family Event Dress Code
- The original poster (OP) requested family members to wear nice outfits for a Christmas photo.
- The dress code was casual but nice, not extreme or inappropriate.
- Other family members followed the dress code request except for Sam.
- Sam dressed provocatively and in a way that went against the dress code request.
Opinion on OP's Actions
- YTA Perspective:
- Some users see OP as the AH for excluding Sam from the main family photo.
- They believe OP shouldn't enforce a strict dress code for a family photo and should allow individual expression.
- NTA Perspective:
- Others feel OP is not the AH because they set a simple dress code for a specific photo.
- They think it was reasonable for OP to make a dress code request for a family event.
- Sam's intention to push boundaries and provoke a reaction was noted and perceived negatively.
Handling the Situation
- Suggestions were made that OP could have handled it differently, like allowing the unconventional outfit for the photo.
- Some users highlighted Sam's intention to elicit a reaction and the appropriateness of excluding them.
Overall Consensus
- The consensus was divided, with some condemning OP's exclusion of Sam and others supporting OP's decision based on the context and dress code request.