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Last updated: August 27, 2024 at 08:46 PM
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Carbegoline Summary

Cabergoline and Pregnancy

  • Cabergoline is a medication used to treat conditions like prolactinomas.
  • Many Reddit users shared their successful pregnancy stories after being on Cabergoline.
    • One user stated, "I am currently 22 weeks pregnant after being on Cabergoline."
    • Another user shared, "I got pregnant after being on Cabergoline for a few months."
  • Some users recommended monitoring hormone levels during pregnancy, especially progesterone levels.
  • One user advised, "I highly recommend when you get a positive pregnancy test, you get bloodwork done to test your progesterone levels."
  • It's suggested to discuss hormone levels with a doctor and advocate for necessary tests.

Fertility and Cabergoline

  • Cabergoline may help with fertility, as some users reported successful pregnancies while on the medication.
  • One user shared, "Both my babies were conceived in 3 cycles after starting Cabergoline!"
  • Another user mentioned, "It took just 1 cycle to get pregnant when I was on Cabergoline."

Other Recommendations

  • One user suggested considering additional tests like Femvue exam and SA test before opting for IVF.
  • Another user recommended discussing the progress of the condition with a doctor and starting fertility treatments if appropriate.
  • Monitoring hormone levels and advocating for necessary tests and treatments were common recommendations among users.

Pros and Cons


  • Cabergoline has been linked to successful pregnancies in users struggling with fertility due to conditions like hyperprolactinoma.
  • The medication was reported to help with ovulation, leading to faster conception in some cases.


  • Some users mentioned miscarriages and challenges related to hormone levels while on Cabergoline.
  • Users highlighted the importance of monitoring hormone levels, suggesting potential risks associated with abnormal levels while on the medication.

Overall Advice

  • Discussing hormone levels, monitoring progesterone levels during pregnancy, advocating for necessary tests, and keeping communication open with healthcare providers were common themes among the Reddit users sharing their experiences with Cabergoline and fertility.

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